Thursday, March 24, 2011

La iguana ilustrada: GRAPHICS: How to Run The World, Parag Khanna

La iguana ilustrada: GRAPHICS: How to Run The World, Parag Khanna

In his most recent book, How to Run the World: Charting a Course to the Next Renaissance (2011), Parag Khanna provides a bold yet viable roadmap to establishing a stable economic and geopolitical order, one that incorporates governments, corporations, and non-government organizations (NGOs) to create a resilient global system. This "dizzyingly informed world tour" (Fortune) "makes the pulse race" (Economist). Nassim Taleb called the book "visionary," and Google Chairman Eric Schmidt declared, "We need to pay attention to Parag's ideas."

La iguana ilustrada: GRAPHICS: How to Run The World, Parag Khanna

La iguana ilustrada: GRAPHICS: How to Run The World, Parag Khanna

In his most recent book, How to Run the World: Charting a Course to the Next Renaissance (2011), Parag Khanna provides a bold yet viable roadmap to establishing a stable economic and geopolitical order, one that incorporates governments, corporations, and non-government organizations (NGOs) to create a resilient global system. This "dizzyingly informed world tour" (Fortune) "makes the pulse race" (Economist). Nassim Taleb called the book "visionary," and Google Chairman Eric Schmidt declared, "We need to pay attention to Parag's ideas."

Monday, February 28, 2011

Why books from make the perfect gift?

Every time I get invited to a party, even a birthday party for that matter, the first flash of fear is always “What gift should I get him?” I am sure this has bothered everyone from the time the very concept came into being. But the answer has almost never been easy!
Not anymore. Because the one good thing that we got out of the whole dot com boom, besides e-mails of course, are online bookstores. Sit before your computer, get on to the internet, jump straight into an online bookstore, my favorite being and there you are — books, after books, after books!
And why books? Because knowledge is power. And not looking for knowledge really? Then the online bookstore database will guide you straight into the fiction category, into picture books, even books with crossword puzzles. There is always a book for every occasion.
And it was then that it struck me. A gift for anything, not just a party, should always be a book. Smart, effective and books are something that will always be in fashion. And the more self-absorbed reason — you don’t have to spend more than five minutes in getting that perfect gift.
Jump right into a category, browse through the books, choose the one that you want to buy and make the payment (or even opt to pay cash on delivery). The online bookstore will get your book in the right kind of packaging and have it sent right to your very doorstep. Or want it to be a surprise? Have the book delivered right to the person’s doorstep. All this, and from the comfort of your own home!
The next time you want to gift someone something, or even gift yourself something, you know what to get — a book!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Give a loving gift to your parents

Sitting one day in the comfort of an easy chair, do you remember how your parents would always run out to the bookstore, spend hours around the children’s section, only to get you some of the books that they had read in their childhood. Or perhaps one of the new books that had just hit the market and was doing really, and was selling really well.
And not just that, they were the ones who were always buying you the latest copies of Batman, Superman, Spiderman. We all know that we grew up idolizing Superman because it was your parents who bought you comics. Not to mention Tintin, Asterix and oh, I could go on forever. 
But now its different. How about you repay them their kindness and buy books online from uread for them. Imagine the joy that you can gift them that way. All you need to do is go to, right from the comfort of your own home, see which are the new releases, the eternal bestsellers, or even divide your purview over the myriad classifications of books and buy books online for them.
The book is the first gift they ever got for you. Why not buy books online from for them now and repay them that same joy? After all a book if the best gift that you can ever give them. It will fill their lives with joy and let them know that you cherish the fact that they made you read in the first place.
And the best part for you is that you no longer have to employ the sametroublesome methods they had to do for you. Now its all about the right internet connection, going to, choosing the right book, opting for the payment option that you are most comfortable with and bam! Buy books online and see the joy of seeing their happy faces flare up. 
Now you know how easy it is to make your father and mother happy. So, just do it!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Choose your perfect book for the holidays at

With the holidays coming along with the freezing, biting cold, all you need to do is curl into your favorite barcalounger, slap over a blanket and grab that steaming cup of hot coffee. What makes the whole deal better? Grab a book to go with it. Go to your online bookstore, browse through and get that book you have always been trying to read. And the book will come right through to your doorstep from the online bookstore. All you need to do from that point onwards, is read it. And books give you that entertainment which you can not got from anywhere else in the whole world! To quote the famous saying form the equally famous actor, Grucho Marx, “I have always found TV very educational. Every time someone puts it on, I go into the other room and read.” You can’t miss it!
And thank goodness for online bookstores. No more dragging yourself over all the time. No more flipping through endless bookshelves. No more browsing without purpose. You can buy that perfect book right from the comfort of your own home.
And this holiday season, online bookstores like, with the extensive databases, make choosing that perfect book all the more fun. Laze, relax, and read. What better could anyone have ever asked for on any holiday? Right?